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Website Integrations for your WordPress Site

Website Integrations for your WordPress Site


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Website Integrations are features that add more functionalities to a WordPress site. These are useful to enable a website to share data and information across different websites and applications. Moreover, it offers additional services and features to users on the site.

This is why planning for integrations in a WordPress webpage is important in any web development project. This is because most site owners want their final website to connect with other systems to achieve its objectives.
Let’s walk you through the common integrations to use and the process of planning their incorporation into a website.

Website Integrations

Popular website integrations to use on WordPress

To effectively plan for the website integration you need to know the common once and what services they offer. Here is a list of the most common ones.

  • Payment integrations to receive payments from buyers
  • SEO Management tools Integrations
  • Integration of tools and features from Analytics
  • Social Media sharing features e.g. Facebook
  • Website’s live chat Integration
  • Customer Relationship Management Integration

This and other more website Integrations are what your final WordPress site needs to fully function and meet the enterprise’s objectives. Now we can look at the planning process.

Planning Integrations on your WordPress site

Listing the Website Integrations at the start of the project

The great advantage of WordPress as a popular CRM tool is that there are many plugins available to help in content management. The plugins are available for activation on the WordPress Marketplace. Moreover, they come with a guide for installation, and procedures to use the tool.

You need to ensure you choose the best software at the beginning of the WordPress development process. With this list, it will be easier to make the website integration process. As you move on with the web development you can use the Incremental process, to add additional integrations that you discover.

Determine the Source of the feature (Download Site)

You need to know where to download the plugins and software tools. Most of them are available on the WP marketplace. Then we have others on the developer’s web pages. Ensure the source is secure if you are downloading them from an external source other than the marketplace. For the marketplace check on the reviews choose the plugin with a positive review.

Share the Documentation with the team/Developers

Documentation is essential to guide the developers on integrating different features. Furthermore, it provides the code and API keys to use for the backend. Thus, it is important to provide the team with the documentations. When planning for integrations download the specific Documentations.

It is important to consider the company’s policies. This includes the programming language that the developers are using for the site. Be sure to use the documentation for the specific language.

Plan on the documentation process of the Website Integrations

When planning on the website integration it is ethical to document every tool and software you use. This will be useful for future reference. The documentation includes the name, version, type, and the use of the software. Include any other important information like the troubleshooting process.


Planning Website Integrations is important for any web development project. Many web help agencies recommend it as a way to ensure the final site is fully functional. For more info, you can contact us with any questions on WordPress.

Alex Founder Web Help Agency



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